Our Adoption Story

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sammy is HOME!

Wow!  I cannot believe that we have had Samuel home for 2 months already.  I know we are slow in getting this blog updated.  Samuel is pretty much a 24/7 baby when he is awake so computer time is limited.  But he is also 24/7 joy, joy, joy.  It is clear that God designed this boy to be a Steimer.  He loves to laugh and make us laugh.  He is very smart and agile – making it a challenge to stay one step ahead of him J.  We are all in love with this sweet boy.  His siblings adore him and visa-versa.  Our favorite time of the day is when they start coming home from school.

But let me back up a minute for those of you who don’t know.  We got word at 8:00am on the day after Thanksgiving that we were cleared to go get Samuel – I was on the plane the next day at 6:00 am.  Yes…fast!  I picked him up at the TC on Monday morning, November 28th with the utter joy that we would never have to say a long “goodbye” again.  We had our Embassy appointment on Wednesday, November 30th and I returned home to a very warm welcome on December 2nd.  A very happy family was waiting for us along with a dozen other friends who helped make this homecoming extra special.

Thank you all for your many prayers, loving words, donations, and general support over the past months.  Adoption is not for the faint of heart.  I tell others who are beginning the process to make sure that they have a strong support system around them…that is what you have been to us. 

Please don’t put your prayer “shawls” away, though.  Next month the official paperwork will begin on our other little boy.  We have been matched with him since December 2010 and are very anxious to get him home!  Please pray for no extra delays along the way.  His case is different than most and things keep changing with the process…so there could be a lot of kinks.  But God has shown us over and again His hand in the process.  Pray that we keep our eyes focused on God and not the circumstances. He is faithful!

As for the “State of the Steimers”,  we are very happy.  I just look at Samuel and am truly amazed at this sweet gift from the Lord.  I see our older children loving on him and about bust. My heart is so full! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark,

    Congratulations again. Thought you might want to check out this video. It is made by dear friends of mine (the dad was my assistant for a time), is a semi-finalist at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, and I and my family are in it. rescuedthemovie.com/
