Our Adoption Story

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

waiting with hope

Samuel is still waiting in the Thomas Center in Addis. We took him out of the orphanage he grew up in when were there for court in July.  He is being cared for well but we really want to bring him home. Our process with the Ethiopian government is complete - he has a passport with our last name on it. Our paperwork was turned into the American Embassy two weeks ago - we watch our email every day for word. The embassy interviewed the police officer who processed him when he was abandoned at one month old. Today they requested an additional copy of a form…. Meanwhile we wait …

Good news: we are still hopeful he could come home for Christmas.  But, honestly, we just don’t know.  His crib is put together and his bed is made but we cant bring ourselves to buy Christmas presents for hm.  

Financial good news most of our matching grant has been raised  - if you would like to make a tax deductible donation to help us finish up there are instruction in the “financial update” blog post.

Other good news:  You all and our agency representative have been great support!  Your prayers have sustained and encouraged us.  Our representative has provided “hand holding” at the more difficult turns in the journey.  We feel blessed to be with CHI/YWAM and blessed to have such a “great cloud of witnesses” around us.  Thank you!

Stay tuned for THE next update!!!