Our Adoption Story

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

waiting with hope

Samuel is still waiting in the Thomas Center in Addis. We took him out of the orphanage he grew up in when were there for court in July.  He is being cared for well but we really want to bring him home. Our process with the Ethiopian government is complete - he has a passport with our last name on it. Our paperwork was turned into the American Embassy two weeks ago - we watch our email every day for word. The embassy interviewed the police officer who processed him when he was abandoned at one month old. Today they requested an additional copy of a form…. Meanwhile we wait …

Good news: we are still hopeful he could come home for Christmas.  But, honestly, we just don’t know.  His crib is put together and his bed is made but we cant bring ourselves to buy Christmas presents for hm.  

Financial good news most of our matching grant has been raised  - if you would like to make a tax deductible donation to help us finish up there are instruction in the “financial update” blog post.

Other good news:  You all and our agency representative have been great support!  Your prayers have sustained and encouraged us.  Our representative has provided “hand holding” at the more difficult turns in the journey.  We feel blessed to be with CHI/YWAM and blessed to have such a “great cloud of witnesses” around us.  Thank you!

Stay tuned for THE next update!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

financial update

Good news we recently received...we have been approved for a matching grant up to $2,500.  This will truly bless us in this long process that will not be complete until the second little boy comes home.  We have 3 more trips across the ocean until we can have both boys home.  Our remaining expenses are mostly travel and some fees when we get to formally accept the second boy's referral.  We are approximately 8 thousand dollars short on our expenses. We are putting the word out since some of you have asked us about how to donate and God has provided a matching grant.

You can donate in our name and it will be matched in our account! (and since, you give Life Song freedom to use your funds as they think best, your donation is tax deductible.) You can send a check to the address below or you can use the link to donate online.

Please make sure you use our last name and our reference number in the memo of the check or when you donate online0 (preference Steimer/ #1698 adoption): Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40,  202 N. Ford St,  Gridley, IL  61744

for online donations use this link but remember to put Steimer/ #1698 adoption  in the preference line http://www.lifesongfororphans.org/donation.html

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

September Surprise!

Mark and I received wonderful news on September 27th.  We are official!  The judge returned and signed our adoption decree stating that we are legally the parents of Samuel Mark Steimer. Needless to say there were smiles all around and even some dancing!  Of course the next question on everyone's mind is, "What's next?"  We do not have an exact date yet.  Some paperwork has to travel from place to place before it reaches the US Embassy.  It will then be reviewed and then we will get an email discussing travel dates.  Please pray that this part of the journey goes smoothly.  We are so anxious to have our little boy home.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thanksgiving...and Thanksgiving

Mark and I had a wonderful surprise on July 16th...we were given a court date for August 3rd!  So, Mark and I flew over to Ethiopia on July 27th then drove to the boys' orphanage on the 30th.  The drive was bumpy, strenuous...and beautiful.  More beautiful, though, were our boys!  Mark got to meet them for the first time.  He is quite smitten with both of them!  I feel very blessed to have had such a quick return trip.  It had been just slightly more than a month since I had last seen them.  It was such a fun visit.  They are both very happy boys.  Very loving and very smiley. We are so thankful for these two boys and for this chance to play with, and hug and snuggle them.

We had a very emotional goodbye as the orphanage nannies had to release several babies they had raised and loved for many months.  The love the nannies have for these precious children is very evident in the way they interact with the children, but was demonstrated that day in the sobs and tears as they hugged each child.  We are thankful that our boys have been so loved!

We then traveled back to Addis with one of our boys - the one who will come home first.  More fun, and snuggles.  We settled him in at his new temporary residence. Over the next two days we were able to visit with him there...we even got to see some of "S's" first steps!  We are thankful for these sweet moments with "S" and for the people that will be caring for him over the next few months.

Court went well then we headed home late that night.  We are now awaiting an appointment with the embassy so that we can bring that sweet boy home...we are hoping he will be home by Thanksgiving...which would be fitting...for we are very thankful!

Thanks again for your love, prayers and support.  This is an exciting part of this journey, we cannot wait to bring "S" home!  We will not be completely settled, though until both boys are here with us.
 Keep praying...
...nothing would hold up either case on their current course
...that God would supply the remainder of the financial needs
...transition for baby "S"
...transition for all Steimers
...wisdom about who will travel for each of the 3 remaining trips (one in Nov. and two next spring/summer)

In closing...as I reflect on this summer I continue to be amazed (and, yes, thankful) at the family that God is weaving together.  Through the ups and downs of last spring we often could only see the "underweave" of the tapestry that God was working on.  Now we get a glimpse of the other side and it is beautiful!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Julie in Ethiopia, "They both have great giggles too. So fun".

this short post was from a blog from one of Julie's tram - ethiopiateam2011.wordpress.com

We had a long bumpy ride out to Nekemte, VERY bumpy! Nekemte was filled with painting, fixing, enjoying time with babies and loving on the people.
Then on to Gimbie. Gimbie was an experience in God’s grace. A mom got to meet her future children.
God provided several team bonding moments. As well as the awesome opportunity to meet an amazing woman who has been in Gimbie as a missionary for 2 years.
Thank you all for your prayers! WE appreciate them!

It is Awesome that Julie got to meet our children for the first time!
she sent a very short email to me -

The trip is going well.  The boys are beautiful!  The trip to Gimbie is long and bumpy, but so worth it to see those two boys.  I was able to play with both and even able to hold and cuddle both, putting each one to sleep.  So precious.  They both have great giggles too.  So fun.  I am going to get kicked off the computer so I will send this then try to send more.  I love you all.  I am looking forward to seeing you at the end of the week. 

 on a very cool side note, God's providence was evident in that Julie flew from Knoxville to Ethiopia on the same plane as the medical team from our church that Julianna, Elizabeth and I went with last year. I just saw this post from the Cedar Springs team:

"Went to church today as a group then out to eat for lunch. We ran into Julie Steimer and her group at the restaurant

..Please keep praying, with much thanksgiving ....


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Learning Patience

God is teaching us a new meaning of the word "patience".  It is not merely waiting for what we want to happen...it is trusting Him when we do not know what will happen. 
We are still in a waiting phase, however we do have some new updates.  First of all, due to some extraordinary circumstances, we are now pursuing another little boy.  The case on the first boy remains open, but he may not be coming home for 2 years.  We are hoping to receive an official referral on the second little boy soonish - stay tuned.
Secondly, Julie is going on a mission trip to Ethiopia from June 19 through July 1. She will be doing some painting and other projects at three of the four  YWAM widow and orphans homes. 
Please pray:
1) God's peace
2) Safe and spirit filled mission trip for all involved
3) Our first little boy would not really have to wait 2 years to come home
4) The paperwork on the second little boy would come together without glitches

Thanks to those who continue to stick with us.  God is faithful.  As we teach our children through the Catechism for Young Children....Can God do all thing?...Yes, He can do all His Holy Will.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Moses in the desert

You may have wondered why we have not posted in awhile.  There has been little encouraging to post!  There have been several changes in the Ethiopian adoption system since we received our referral.  Much of the news has been discouraging as to the time it will take for us to travel to court and then, ultimately, to bring our baby boy home.  The past two weeks have been particularly trying as we have been on an emotional roller coaster. We have received very discouraging news at times that leaves us heavy hearted.  However, we have also received some news that shows that God is still in the business of moving mountains.  Then more discouraging news.  And so goes my heart - up and down with the news.  This morning, though, God reminded me of the story of Moses in the desert (Exodus 17:11-13) when the Israelites were fighting the Amalekites.  When Moses would keep his hands raised, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.  Eventually Moses hands grew weary so two friends held his hands up for him.  God, I believe, is reminding me to stay close to Him in prayer and to trust Him to do His work.  And...btw...would you be willing to hold our arms up?

The good news is that there is a precious 18 month little boy who is healthy and happy and will, Lord willing, join our family some day soon.