Our Adoption Story

Friday, September 17, 2010

a note from Lydia

I think it`s really great that we are adopting. Ever since I found out about it I have been so excited. I think it will be really weird to have a black person as my brother or sister, but I can't wait to meet them! I am used to being the baby so it will weird for me to have a younger sibling.

I really want to visit Ethiopia to see how my new brother or sister lives and how different it will be for them to come to America  - to see what food they eat and where they sleep.

I am looking forward to having someone play with and I love the idea of sharing our love and our home with a child who wants a family. 


Adoption thoughts

It's 5:30 AM and I am thinking about our adoption. Their are so many details, so many unknowns, so many obstacles, so many blessings. It is all very humbling.

Last night we had a few people over for dessert. Julie and I talked about why we want to adopt, how we were led to adopt from Ethiopia, and how much money we need to raise for our adoption. We prayed and talked some about specific fundraiser ideas. We will not be able to do this alone, I am really grateful for friends and I am really grateful to God for leading us into this great adventure (albeit scary adventure).

Thanks for following us in this process we will try to keep you posted - we would love your encouragement, your prayers and your help with our fundraising. We are looking forward to the day when we can welcome a new child (or children) into our home as part of our family and part of our community. Thanks for any way you are part of that process and part of that welcoming community.
